We know that the value of a DTH hammer comes from both productivity and endurance. Our engineers have put a great deal of thought in to optimization of the entire drilling system, and we never compromise on this fact. The striking efficiency of Secoroc DTH hammers comes from many years of continuous product innovation and practical feedback from the drillers. This is also valid for our DTH bits, DTH pipes and other accessories. The result is the market’s most complete DTH consumables product range. This range brings together technical superiority with time-tested designs, as well as high level material and production competence. The end result – products that together do an outstanding job.
Product codes
Product codes are a valuable tool to describe and identify the product. In the code structure we have tried to describe the product features with Alfa-numerical system and not always 100% logical, but with the attached key you will be able find the product you are looking for or and alternative product.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact us.